Rebirth and Magic Bracelet: Labradorite
Intuition and Spirituality Bracelet: Amethyst
Grounding and Protection: Hematite Bracelet
POTENCY Infused with Garnet and Carnelian Aromatherapy Potion
Anti-Anxiety and True Self Bracelet: Amazonite
Labradorite: Rebirth and Magic
Inner-Peace and Mother Earth Connection: Tree Agate
Sage with Calendula Flowers: Cleansing and Clarity Smudge Stick
Energy Flow and Passion Bracelet: Garnet
Transition and Change: Lepidolite
Strength and Protection Braclet: Black Onyx
New Beginnings Bracelet: Green Moss Agate
Clarity and Awareness Bracelet: Selenite (6mm)
Optimisim and Clarity: Opalite
Self-Awareness and Higher Consciousness Bracelet: Howlite
Cleansing and Protection: Shungite Tumbled Stone
Protection and Grounding Bracelet: Black Tourmaline
Manifestation Bracelet: Rainbow Flourite
Creativity and Knowledge Bracelet: Sodalite
Adventure and Discovery Bracelet: Mookaite Jasper
Vitality and Insight: Shiva Lingam
Brass Cone Incense Burner from India
Stir Your Soul to Action Bracelet: Citrine (6mm)
Grounding and Take Action: Red Jasper Bracelet