Evil Eye Protective Talisman (Sterling Silver)
The Evil Eye is a traditional and powerfully protective talisman widely recognized throughout the world. Amongst various cultures, it is believed to deflect negativity directed towards the wearer and protects against harm.
This sacred symbol keeps the same meaning no matter the country or the story. If someone is thinking or wishing negatively towards you, it is believed that the evil eye will protect you from their ill intentions.
Evil Eye Talisman (Turkey) - .75 in diameter with Sterling Silver Chain
The term “evil eye” is spread throughout the world, and is known in many languages:
mauvais œil in France
böser Blick in Germany
eayan alsharu in Arabic
char atchk in Armenian
aynore in Yiddish or ayin hara from Hebrew
szemmelverés (eye beating) in Hungarian
oko proroka (prophetic eyes) in Polish
ondaögat in Swedish
jettatura in Sicilian
olho gordo (fat eyes) in Brazil or
olho mau in Portuguese
mal de ojo in Spanish
droch shùil in Irish
mati in Greek