Wisdom and Enlightenment: Buddha Chime
The term Buddha literally means enlightened one, a knower.
The Buddha is recognized as a symbol of peace of mind. This figure encourages an atmosphere of well-being and calm.
He represents freedom from greed, hatred and ignorance. A pure embodiment of wisdom, compassion, grace, balance, determination and courage.
A glimpse of the sublime Buddha, with his eyes gently closed and his lips curved into a subtle smile, provides inspiration to deepen your own practice of inner-peace.
The sweet melody of chimes invigorate the soul, awaken the senses and the spirit. Bells have a healing effect on the body and mind, reducing emotional stress, bringing feelings of inner-peace and balance.
Chimes enhance your indoor / outdoor vibe, adding color and texture to your landscape while simultaneously creating good luck and positive energy. You can hang them on your window, your door knob, even against the wall as an ornament or anywhere in your outdoor space (yes, even on your fire escape!).
- resonate with praise, victory and celebration
- fortify nature’s harmonic balance with human life
- are an icon of the voice of The Divine
- represent the wisdom of emptiness
- signify the aspect of universal compassion
- bring us closer to the enlightened mind

7.25' inches x 1.25" inches