Singing Bowl Sound Therapy: Healing and Meditation
The existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 - 480 BC). The tradition was brought from India to Tibet.
Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world.
In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, and World music. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones which the bells produce have a direct affect upon their chakras.
Playing the bells usually causes an immediate centering effect. The tones set up a "frequency following response" that creates a balancing left/right brain synchronization. Meditating on the subtle sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl tunes one in to the universal sound within and without.
Hold the singing bowl on the palm of the left hand. For smaller bowls, seven inches and under, hold on your fingertips.
Grasp the mallet about mid-length, with all the fingertips pointing downwards and touching the wood. (If you are using one of our padded mallets, the red wool should be on top.) Palm downward.
Gently tap the mallet against the side of the bowl to "warm-up" the bell.
With an even pressure, rub the mallet clockwise around the outside edge of the rim of the bowl. Use a full arm movement, just like stirring a big kettle of soup, and keep the mallet straight up and down! Again, it's not a wrist movement, but a full-arm movement.
Remember to apply pressure-- the friction of the mallet against the
outer rim produces vibrations which result in sound.
Experiment with your speed. Usually people go too fast! Let the sound build up slowly as the singing bowl picks up the vibration.
Tibetan Singing Bowl (3 inches dia) - Mallet 4.5 inches