Balancing Aroma-Crystal-Therapy :: Mini Stainless Steel Rollers
Chakra Copper Magnetic Healing Bracelet
BALANCE Infused with Mixed Tourmaline Aromatherapy Potion
Chakra Balancing Crystal Pouch
GROUNDING Infused with Red Jasper (Root Chakra)
Red Jasper: Grounding Tumbled Stone
PASSION Infused with Carnelian (Sacral Chakra)
Motivation and Courage Bracelet: Carnelian
COURAGE Infused with Red Adventurine (Solar Plexus Chakra)
HEART Infused with Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra)
Abundance and Heart Healer Bracelet: Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine: Prosperity and and Heart Healer
CREATIVITY infused with Sodalite (Throat Chakra)
Sodalite: Knowledge and Creativity Tumbled Stone
INTUITION Infused with Amethyst (3rd Eye Chakra)
Amethyst: Stone of Intuition
Intuition and Spirituality Bracelet: Amethyst
ENLIGHTENMENT Infused with Howlite (Crown Chakra)
A Stone of Awareness: Howlite
Self-Awareness and Higher Consciousness Bracelet: Howlite
HEALING Infused with Unakite Crystal Aromatherapy Potion
POTENCY Infused with Garnet and Carnelian Aromatherapy Potion
Creativity and Knowledge Bracelet: Sodalite
Clear Quartz: The Master Healer